Thursday, September 6, 2012

Linux And Recognition

A. A Brief History of LinuxLinux started from the development system called UNIX by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie who came from AT & T Bell Labs, in 1968. Because the purpose of the UNIX operating system is multi user and multi-tasking, then the UNIX rewritten using the C language (previously using language B). This allows for didevelop to different hardware platforms without having to write specific code. So develop it still continues to survive until today.

Bell to license these operating systems to several institutions, one of them to the Department of Computer Science University of California Berkeley, which eventually resulted in several cloning UNIX code with BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution). Professor Andrew Tanenbaum has been developing the Unix operating system that runs on personal computers of MINIX (Mini UNIX). But this system does not have all the functions desired UNIX student at the time, especially for the student named Linus Trovalds.

Linux came in 1991, developed by the student named Linus Trovalds with the purpose of making the free operating system like UNIX but with Traffic compatible with the PC. September 1991, Linux was first launched with a length of 10 239 lines source code for version 0.01. The next development releases version 0.95 which is considered most important, being able to run the X Windows System. On May 9, 1996, was inaugurated as the Linux mascot Tux made by Larry Ewing in accordance with the statement "Linus likes penguins". Tux name itself is taken from Unix to honor Trovalds Trovalds as Linux developer Linus.

Initially, Linux was released under a license that prohibits commerciality. But in its development, Linus Trovalds change the license to the GNU General Public License. The license allows distribution or sale of even a modified version of Linux but with a note that all these distributions Haras under GNU GPL and should be with the source code program.

Here are some examples of features of Linux:1. Multi-tasking, able to run a couple of process at a time.2. Multi User, where several users can operate on the same machine and at the same time.3. Multi-Processing, where SMP (symmentric multiprocessing) for Intel and SPARC and other platforms4. Memory management is good, that is using the system pagging (diskpagging).5. Supports various file system, where all files can be implemented.6. Availability of source code, all the existing source code tersidia, including kernel and drivers, making it easier for the user program development.7. Available in livecd version.

B. Linux DistributionsThere are many versions or distributions of Linux (more commonly known as Distro), made by individuals, groups, or other institution. Each program includes the operating system and additional application programs to be installed on the computer, but there also includes a complete program that can be run directly from CD boot process (live-CD).

The core of every Linux distro is a Linux kernel, a collection of programs from the GNU project (or projects), shell, and aturcara utilities such as libraries (libraries), compiler, and editing (editor). Most systems also include aturcara and non-GNU utilities, but can be exiled and still provide system-unix-style. Some examples are aturcara and utilities from BSD and X-Window System (X-Window System), X provides a Graphical Interface (GUI) which is the basis for a Linux system.

Some Distributions (distros) are commonly used:1. Ubuntu Based on: Debian, Ubuntu Origin: Isle of Man Architecture: i386, powerpc, sparc64, x86_64 Desktop: GNOME Category: Beginners, Desktop, Server, Live Medium, Netbooks Status: Active

2. Fedora Based on: Independent Origin: USA Architecture: i686, x86_64 Desktop: GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, Xfce Category: Desktop, Server, Live Medium Status: Active

3. Linux Mint Based on: Debian, Ubuntu Origin: Ireland Architecture: i386, x86_64 Desktop: Fluxbox, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Xfce Category: Beginners, Desktop, Live Medium Status: Active

4. PCLinuxOS Based on: Independent Origin: USA Architecture: i586 Desktop: Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, Xfce Category: Beginners, Desktop, Live Medium Status: Active

5. BackTrack Based on: Debian, Ubuntu Origin: Switzerland Architecture: i386 Category: Forensics, Rescue, Live Medium Status: Active

C. Some Applications Under Linux

1. Applications Office (office suite)OpenOffice: microsoft office replacement

2. InternetMozilla Firefox: browser internet explorer replacementXchat: IRC chat client mirc replacementPidgin: instant-messenger yahoo messenger replacementFileZilla: FTP Client replacement cute-ftp or ws-ftpAria: Download manager replacement IDM (internet download manager)

3. Graphic Design, Animation and Desktop PublishingGimp: Adobe Photo-Shop substituteInkscape: replacement Corell drawScribus: adobe page maker replacementQflash: macromedia flash replacementBlender: 3D-Max replacement

4. Web DesignNVU: replacement macromedia dream weaver and the front pageLifrea: RSS feed readerScreem: HTML EditorGPHPEdit - PHP Editor

5. Multimedia EditorKino: Flick editor (like Adobe Premiere on Windows)Audacity: Sound editorAvidemux: Avi (divx / xvid) editorIstanbul: Live screen capture (Used to capture current screencast)

6. Multimedia Playermplayer: movie playerXMMS: mp3 player winamp substituteEasyTAG - MP3 Tag Editor

7. CD / DVD Burner / BackupBrasero: Nero Burner replacement is under GnomeK3B: Nero Burner replacement is under KDE

8. Emulator / Virtual PC& Kqemu QEMU Accelerator - Emulation (like VMWare in windows)

D. Fundamental Differences In LinuxOne thing that sets Linux to other operating systems is price. Linux is cheaper and can be copied and redistributed without having to pay a fee or royalty to anyone. But there are other things more than the main consideration is the price of the source code. Linux source code available to everyone so that everyone can be involved directly in development.Differences linux to windows:User InterfaceIn Windows, you do not have much choice of user interface. For example, in Windows 95/98 you only know the default user interface of Windows 95/98. You are a little more luck if you use Windows XP, because you can move from the interface of Windows XP to Windows 98 which is lighter.In Linux, you can find many kinds of user interface. And usually the choice is the user interface you can customize to your computer specifications or your work environment. For example, on a slow computer you can use a lightweight user interface, such as XFCE or Fluxbo x.

Security and VirusOne of the main problems in Windows that most often you find is a virus and spyware. From year to year, this problem is not shrinking but actually growing. This all happened because a lot of security holes in Windows that could be exploited by people who are not responsible.Because too many security problems in Windows, it is not surprising then it appears ribbing for the name Windows Vista, which lengthen the Viruses, Spyware, Trojan and Adware.Linux is derived from the Unix operating system that has a stronger level of security. That's why there are not many viruses on Linux and even if there could not reproduce rapidly and are usually not able to bring great damage.Although not as important as in Windows, you can still find antivirus programs on Linux, such as ClamAV and F-Prot.SpywareSpyware is a fairly common problem in the world of Windows. Usually spyware program to observe, collect and transmit your data to a server. For something more positive, t he program is usually used for marketing purposes.Unfortunately, there is also a bad intention is to steal identities, credit cards, and other negative actions.Not many spyware programs that infect Linux considering the workings of Linux are more difficult to penetrate.Installation and Production ProgramWindows is the operating system, which is why Windows does not provide many programs once installed. If anything maybe you'll only find Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, and several other small programs.This is very different from Linux. Although Linux is an operating system, but Linux is distributed with many programs in it (which is why the technical term is distribution - from the word distribution - Linux). Once installed, you will find many courses of nearly all categories of programs. Call it the category Office Suite, Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browsers, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, etc..With the in stallation of nearly the same time, you not only get an operating system but also all the programs needed for daily activities in Linux.Partition HarddiskLinux does not recognize the naming of drive C: for a partition. All the drives together in a large storage system. Folder / mnt is the place for you to access all media on the computer, either another partition, CD-ROM, Floppy, or FlashDisk.Later KDE has made access to the media by providing Media Storage systems that are accessible through My Computer or the file manager Konqueror.

Naming FilesLinux uses "/" to separate folder instead of "" commonly used DOS / Windows. Linux is case-sensitive, this means that the file "Hello.txt" different from the file "hello.txt". Linux is also not too much attention to the file extension. If you rename the file "Hello.txt" to "Hello", Linux still know that this is a text file. And when you click on the file "Hello", Linux will still automatically open a text editor program.

Convenience and SafetyYou may already know, that as a normal user (not root) you can not write files in any folder. Regular user only has write access in their home folders. As a regular user, you will not be able to change an important part of the system. It may seem too restrictive and cumbersome, but this way is much more secure, because only certain people who have access Root who can touch the system. Even viruspun can not easily touch the Linux system. That's why you have not heard of any virus in Linux.This is different from Windows is very vulnerable to the virus. This occurs because a normal user in Windows also has the right as well as an administrator. Most Windows users do not know this, so that their systems are vulnerable to virus attacks. Windows Vista now has adopted the Linux system is security.

DefragIn Windows, you may often encounter problems decrease speed of Windows. One of the causes usually are the files on my hard drive that is no longer compact. that's why you are advised to use the Defrag program.In Linux you will not find a program to defrag the hard drive. You do not need to defragment the hard drive Linux! Linux file system that handles all this automatically. But if your hard drive is filled to 99% you will get the speed issue. Make sure you have enough space so that Linux handles system and you will never get the problem deframentasi.

File SystemWindows have two system files. FAT (from DOS and Windows 9x) and NTFS (from Windows NT/2000/XP). You can read and even save files on FAT and NTFS system of Windows. This does not apply otherwise, Windows will not be able to read or save files on Linux systems.As with Windows, Linux has several kinds of file systems, such as ReiserFS or Ext3. This system is in some ways better than FAT or NTFS of Windows since implementing a technique called journaling. This journal keeps records of the file system. When a Linux system crashes, the journal of activities will be completed after the reboot and all the files on my hard drive will keep running smoothly.

3D DesktopThe technology is likely to be presented in the latest operating system is a 3D Desktop. Windows start in Windows Vista with Flip 3D feature. not long before the Linux Desktop 3D feature a much more complete, such as Flip 3D, 3D Cube, 3D Ring, and others.In Vista, the 3D feature is less popular because it requires high computer specs. In contrast to Linux that can run the 3D Desktop features on a computer with specs that are very low. Linux is well known from the beginning on the server side, now it shows skill on the desktop to surpass Windows in terms of 3D Desktop.

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